Putnam County Florida Democrats
“Special Election for Congressional District 6.
We will need volunteers as voter turnout will be especially important against a carpetbagging GOP candidate.”
Special Election for Congressional Election VOTING is at assigned precincts.
VBM Ballots due to SOE office by 7 PM. No Drop Box locations!
Vote by Mail request all expired Nov. 6, 2024. Contact the Supervisor of Elections to renew your request. (382)329-0224 or https://voteputnamflorida.gov
“Routinely update your signature on file every 5 years or every two years if over age 75. If your signature has changed do the update immediately!” The form is available at https://voteputnamflorida.gov/Voters/Registration-Changes
Next Putnam Dems meeting January 11, 11AM at Early Voting Room, County Government Plaza, Palatka.
Mail donations payable to us at:
PO Box 1624
Palatka FL 32178
SCAN or CLICK TO DONATE to Putnam Dems