Putnam County Florida Democrats
January 20th 11AM MLK Festival booth.
See calendar for details
“Special Election for Congressional District 6.
"We need volunteers to help get out the vote for this election.
With at least four names on the special election ballot, a plurality can win!"
Special Election for Congressional Election VOTING is at assigned precincts. 8:30 to 5:30
VBM Ballots due to SOE office by 7 PM. No Drop Box locations!
Vote by Mail request all expired Nov. 6, 2024. Contact the Supervisor of Elections to renew your request. (382)329-0224 or https://voteputnamflorida.gov
“Routinely update your signature on file every 5 years or every two years if over age 75. If your signature has changed do the update immediately!” The form is available at https://voteputnamflorida.gov/Voters/Registration-Changes
Our next meeting is February 22, 2025, 11:00am at the Supervisor of Elections complex. 2509 Crill Avenue Suite 900, Palatka, FLGovernment Plaza, Palatka.
Mail donations payable to us at:
PO Box 1684
Palatka FL 32178
Phone Number 386-213-7850
SCAN or CLICK TO DONATE to Putnam Dems