What is the Democratic Executive Committee (DEC)?
Every Florida county (potentially) could have a Democratic Executive Committee. Each committee is an arm of the Florida Democratic Party. The membership is the elected and appointed precinct chairs for the party within the county. To be a voting member you must be a registered Democrat and an approved precinct captain with some paperwork on file with the Supervisor of Elections.
How are DEC officers elected?
The officers of the DEC are elected by the members in the month following a presidential election and hold office for four years. The Precinct Captains who are eligible for an office are elected by the precinct captains who were elected for the four year terms during the primary in presidential election years. A whole lot of state law covers this for both parties.
The chair, with DEC approval, can appoint anyone to an office that is not defined in the bylaws.
What is the function of the DEC?
The function of the DEC focuses on four overarching tasks:
- Get as many people as possible to register as Democrats which will enable them to vote in the primary election;
- Get as many people as possible to vote for Democrats in the general election.
- Create and maintain a feeder program for candidates to stand for election as Democrats.
- Engage with the Supervisor of Elections to monitor elections for conformance to state and federal laws.
Are DEC meetings open to the public?
Yes,DEC meetings are open to the public but voting is limited to precinct captains. Anything said in these meetings should be considered in the context of open public meeting laws. Any registered Democrat in the county is welcome to attend the meetings and may ask to be an elected member.
Check calendar for meeting schedules